Grabbing the market to cater and expand your business is what every business should keep in mind. Eventually proliferating your business is what matters for achieving market dominance. Here are a few parameters to keep in mind:
Reshaping the landscape
The new economics of cyberspace has call business players to re-define their market definitions. Segmentation in the market will disappear, as product will appear personal. Products, which developed with new tools, will enable each customer to customize to meet their needs. Therefore, your product must meet personal requirement. Eventually communities of value will replace brand, which recommend and grow their own brand for specific product therby achieving market dominance.
Building New Connection
The new relationships require new, dramatically different connections that will bind you to business partners in ways that are as rich as the physical ties that hold your organization together today. The difference is that tomorrow’s interfaces will be virtual, adherents rather than victims of the Law of Disruption.

learning interface
In designing learning interface, start with the customer’s viewpoint as only part of the solution. The interface must provide customer with the most comfortable operating procedure from the old world to the new. Eventually the secret was developing the interface for the customer, not the company. The interface is the tool to ensure continuity for customer. This is the strategy being followed by the best of the banking and retail sites on the Web today.
Digitization of information
The new forces, led by the digitization of information, make it both possible and necessary to operate in smaller, more focused and more flexible units. Entrepreneurs, start-ups, and the self-employed, who don’t have infrastructures to dismantle, are taking advantage of inexpensive new technologies for collaboration as quickly as they are developed. Firms with no offices, no fixed employee bases, and no physical presence to speak of, are furthermore already making effective use of the Internet and related technologies to compete head-on with traditional firms. They give away as much information as they have which show their advantage of being digital. Meanwhile, customers give back more than what they take away.